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Monday September 18 2023

The Best Way to Take CBD Oil for IBS: A Comprehensive Guide

The Best Way to Take CBD Oil for IBS: A Comprehensive Guide

IBS is a condition that affects an estimated 10-20% of the UK population. That’s millions of people grappling with symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain, and unpredictable bowel habits. It’s not just a physical toll; it’s an emotional one, too. The unpredictability of IBS can make social events or even a simple meal out a source of anxiety.

But what if there was a natural remedy that could help alleviate some of these symptoms? In this blog post, we’ll explore the best way to take CBD oil for IBS and cover everything from the basics of what CBD is and how it interacts with your body to how to choose the right CBD product and dosage for your specific needs.

CBD and Its Effects on IBS

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of over 100 compounds in the cannabis plant. Before you jump to conclusions, let’s clear the air: CBD is not the same as THC, the psychoactive component that gets you high. So, CBD won’t make you feel “stoned” or “buzzed.” What it will do, however, is interact with your body’s endocannabinoid system. This system is like the control centre for many of your body’s functions, including mood, pain perception, and digestion. 

The endocannabinoid system is a bit like the internet of your body—it’s a network that helps different systems communicate better. It’s made up of receptors that interact with cannabinoids like CBD. Some of these receptors are in your gut and play a crucial role in regulating gut function.

Several British studies suggest that imbalances in the endocannabinoid system could contribute to IBS symptoms. The theory is that CBD can help restore this balance, acting like a reboot for your gut.

What are the symptoms of IBS, and how does CBD help?

So, how exactly does CBD help with IBS? Let’s break it down:

  • Anti-inflammatory: Inflammation in the gut is often a significant contributor to IBS symptoms. CBD has shown anti-inflammatory properties in various studies, suggesting it could help reduce this inflammation, much like how a cold compress eases a swollen ankle.
  • Pain relief: Abdominal pain is among the most common and distressing IBS symptoms. CBD interacts with pain receptors in the body, potentially offering comfort without the side effects often associated with pharmaceutical painkillers.
  • Anti-anxiety: Stress and anxiety are known triggers for IBS flare-ups. CBD has shown promise in reducing anxiety in both animal and human studies. It’s like having a calming cup of tea for your nervous system, helping you relax and potentially reducing IBS symptoms triggered by stress.

Choosing the Right CBD Product for IBS 

Types of CBD Products

When it comes to CBD, there are lots of different options to choose from. At Prym Health, we offer a variety of CBD products to suit different needs and preferences. 

  • Oils: These are our top recommendations for IBS sufferers. Using CBD oils offers easy dosage control and fast absorption into the bloodstream. You can easily adjust the number of drops you take based on your symptoms, making it a flexible option.
  • Gummies: If you’re not a fan of CBD oil, gummies are a tasty alternative. They’re also discreet, making taking your CBD on the go easier. However, they do take longer to kick in compared to oils.
  • Patches: These are convenient for all-day relief but offer less dosage flexibility. They’re like the slow cooker of the CBD world—set it and forget it. However, they may not be the best choice for IBS due to the slower release of CBD into your system.

What to Look For When Choosing the Best CBD Products

Choosing a CBD product can be overwhelming, given the many options available. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Dosage: It’s best to start with a low dose and gradually increase it as you monitor your symptoms. This approach is often called “start low and go slow,” and it’s a good rule of thumb for CBD newbies. If you’re unsure about strength and dosage, our guide to CBD oil strengths is a great place to start. 
  • Purity: Always opt for products that have been third-party lab-tested. This ensures that what’s on the label is actually in the product. It’s like having a quality stamp of approval.
  • Quality: Full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD products are generally more effective due to the entourage effect. This is when different cannabinoids and terpenes work together, boosting each other’s effects.

Recommended CBD Dosage and Administration Methods

Dosage Guidelines

When it comes to CBD and IBS, finding the right dosage is like finding the perfect pair of jeans—it’s highly individual and may require some trial and error. For those new to CBD, we recommend starting with a low dose, around 5-10mg daily. This is roughly equivalent to a few drops of a standard CBD oil. Monitor how your body reacts for about a week, jotting down any changes in your symptoms. If you’re not experiencing the relief you hoped for, consult your GP for advice.

Factors Influencing Dosage

Several factors can influence the ideal CBD dosage for you, and it’s essential to be aware of them.

  • Body weight: Just as your weight can influence how much alcohol you can handle, it also affects how much CBD you need. Generally, heavier individuals may require a higher dose.
  • Severity of symptoms: The more severe your IBS symptoms, the higher your dosage. However, this isn’t a hard and fast rule, and it’s crucial to consult your GP for personalised advice.
  • Other medications: If you’re taking other medicines, especially those that interact with your liver enzymes, you must be cautious. CBD may affect how your body processes certain medications, so consult your GP to avoid potential interactions. You can find our guide to taking CBD with antidepressants on our blog.

Administration Methods

There are various ways to take CBD, and each has its pros and cons:

  • Sublingual: This involves placing a few drops of CBD oil under your tongue and holding it there for about 60 seconds before swallowing. This method allows for quick and efficient absorption into your bloodstream. It’s like taking a shortcut on your daily commute—faster and more direct.
  • Oral: This includes swallowing capsules or eating gummies. While convenient, this method takes longer to produce effects because the CBD has to pass through your digestive system first. It’s the scenic route compared to the sublingual form.
  • Topical: This involves applying patches or creams directly to your skin. While this method provides a slow, sustained release of CBD, it’s generally not recommended for IBS. The reason is simple: topical CBD doesn’t enter your bloodstream, so it’s unlikely to provide the gut relief you seek.

Managing IBS Symptoms with CBD

Relief of Abdominal Pain

If you’re dealing with IBS, you’re no stranger to abdominal or pelvic pain. It can be debilitating, affecting your quality of life and mental well-being. CBD can be a soothing balm for your insides, offering potential relief from this discomfort.

Several British studies, including those published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, have highlighted CBD’s potential for pain relief. These studies suggest CBD interacts with the body’s pain receptors, offering a natural alternative to over-the-counter pain medications.

Reducing Inflammation

Inflammation is often the hidden culprit behind many IBS symptoms. It’s like a smouldering fire in your gut, causing discomfort and digestive issues. CBD can act as a fire extinguisher, helping to douse these inflammatory flames.

Numerous studies, including research from British institutions, indicate CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties. These studies suggest that CBD can help regulate the immune response in the gut, potentially reducing inflammation and providing relief.

Alleviating Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are like fuel to the fire regarding IBS symptoms. They can trigger flare-ups and make existing symptoms worse. CBD can be your stress-buster, helping you keep these flare-ups at bay.

Studies have shown that CBD can effectively reduce anxiety, acting on the brain’s serotonin receptors. It’s like a calming cup of chamomile tea for your nervous system, helping you relax and potentially reducing IBS symptoms triggered by stress.

Taking CBD for IBS: 3 Key Steps 

If you’ve made it this far, you’re probably eager to try CBD oil for your IBS symptoms. But let’s quickly recap what we’ve covered to ensure you’re making an informed decision.

The best way to take CBD oil to treat IBS involves three key steps:

  1. Choosing the Right Product: Opt for high-quality, third-party-tested CBD oils for the most effective relief. Gummies and patches are also available but may not be the best fit for everyone.
  2. Determining Dosage: Start with a low dose and adjust as needed. Consult your GP or pharmacist for personalised advice, especially if you’re taking other medications.
  3. Administration Methods: Sublingual administration is the most effective for quick relief, but oral and topical options are also available.

It’s crucial to note that CBD has shown promise in managing IBS symptoms, but it’s not a cure. Always consult your GP for a diagnosis and personalised medical advice

Ready to give CBD a try for your IBS symptoms? Why not start with our top-quality CBD oils at Prym Health? Remember, the journey to better gut health is a marathon, not a sprint, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

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